Sunday, July 2, 2017

Gamer princess reporting for duty

Hello everyone!

Welcome to my new blog! I think from name itself  I don't have to explain what will I be writting about since its Gamer as and princess as in...princess...I'm a

ANYWAYS on here I will pour my soul out for two things I love the most that is GAMING and MAKE UP.
I spent a looooooottttttt of time thinking how to combine these two thingies and ofc I had no idea how because on moments it felt like having two diffrent blog is like....separating my soul into two diffrent places, I felt like I'm denying my other passion with first one and vice versa. So I said to myself ''Self.....just make a combined blog and do wtf ever you love!'' and here I am.

good pep talk right? XD

So little about me! My name is Sandra aka Gamer Princess, I'm 20yo, I live in Slovenia I just moved on my own with my boo , I have two cats (ik crazy cat lady), I love make up and videogames, I'm training karate, I'm a nurse and I'm anime freak, WWE geek and there is actualy plenty more I could write, but I will do that in following posts.

So if you are excited to see what I'll be doing on here, please keep an eye on me!

Also feel free to follow me on my social media to also get a sneak peak of my everday life!


Gamer Princess is out <3

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