Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Post Gaming Depression: lvl:ABNORMAL


Gamer Princess here, reporting for duty!

On todays disscusion list I have to admit something...something horrible. Something that's been holding onto me for past few days. A serious state of mind and for a gamer the most painful one...


Yes it's horrible. My heart aches everytime I open up Steam and see...that game.

Wich game you may ask?

Naruto Ultimate ninja STORM 4

Okay my inner drama queen aside. Recently (meaning past 4 days) I've been hooked on Naruto Ultimate ninja STORM 4 game. As you may or may not know, I'm actualy huge anime fan and Naruto is one of my top animes all time. I've been  following the story since...well almost since beggining (meaning I didn't watched it when it fist came out)  and ever since I LOVE IT. The story line, the charachters basicly everything.

I alreday own 5 Naruto games for PSP and (ofc) I finished all of them and all story modes trough and trough.

Now  before I go on:


The story line leads us to the end of 4th shinobi war alllllllllll the way to Boruto. To cover the basics:

-Graphics are bomb, especialy the details in combats.  For example, the area where comabat is happening, you will easily notice the details as in leafs falling or the splashing of the water, in one combat I even managed to blow a huge hole into the wall (WICH WAS AMAZING)

-The fights are 3D, they include special attacks, attacks with ninja blades, performing jutsu, finisher jutsu and even group jutsu. That happens when you group up with another team, fill the so called team bar and BOOM! Finish off the opponent.

-There are a lot of charachters. From youg form to present form. I noticed especialy there are like 5 diffent types of Sasuke and Naruto (each ofc posseses diffrent attacks and combos....and finishers). But that kinda makes the fighting so much more interesting.

-Maybe one thing that was a bit unpractical. I speak some Japanese and I understand most of the things they say. But for someone who doesn't understand at all it's unpractical that there is actualy story line  being told in middle of combat when the last thing you have time for is reading the subtitles.

-You can also go to diffrent missiones in the game and also play training mode or one on one mode with your friends or against comp. Either way once you finish the main story you can never really finish the game.

You do however have optiones to choose either Japanese or English language, but personaly...nothing beats original.

Trough the story I got new perspective of charachters (especially Uchiha Madara) and at some points in the game I cried a freaking lot. You can't help but to get attached to charachters and cry if they die you cry.

So if you are looking for a stoy to blow your mind, a good fighting game and a good time GO FOR THIS.  And trust me...You will love it.

Thats it for today! Make sure you keep an eye on me and my gaming world! If you have any ideas or questiones don't leave the comment section hanging but till next time.....

This is the end of Gamer Princess discussion, please stay tuned for further transmissiones.

Final Fantasy XV

Hello everyone, Gamer Princess reporting for duty. Todays discussion: FINAL FANTASY XV So for past few days I've literaly pul...