Sunday, September 17, 2017

Final Fantasy XV

Hello everyone,

Gamer Princess reporting for duty.

Todays discussion: FINAL FANTASY XV

So for past few days I've literaly pulled all nighters (going to bed around 7am.....maybe 8am) because I was hooked on Final Fantasy XV. And I finished it.

Hah....where to start?
Maybe first of all...story.

Story is deeper than the ocean. And painful. In this story we follow group of four guys (boyband XD....jk), who travel from place called Insomnia to Altissia, because a wedding for princ of Insomnia will be held there. We travel with them, all the way till the very end I guess you could say....we feel like the fifth member of the group. I will try to write as much as possible withouth spoiling to much.

Also be sure to watch the pre game anime Final Fantasy XV, there are some things you will understand much more if you watch it. I'll leave link down bellow.

But still fair warning: 

Noctis Lucis Caelum

The prince of Insomnia, who is the one to mary his childhood friend and Oracle, lady Lunafrey. Trough the game we come to points, where we can look into his past memories  and  see how the story started and why is it going the way it is. When playing him in first part it's kinda funny, because he reminded me of grumpy teen (tho I think...or assume he is past his teen years) and althoug we  can't see him goofing around, he does that a lot actualy and most of it is captured on Promptos photos. You watch him from day one to the last he transforms into king. A true king. In between ther is a 10 year time skip, so next time we see him he is older, wiser and not to mention his looks also changed. He is not so boyish anymore and he truly grew up in a man. A man you as a player feel proud of.

Prompto Argentum

Best friend of Noct! They have been friends since school, Noct actualy inspired Prompto to take better care of him self and grows closer to him. Prompto as a charachter is such a goof ball! He makes you smile or even laugh, so many times durring the game with his clumsyness and or his innocent childlike behaviour. The way he get excited, the way he is loud when he is happy or even louder when he is scared or when he strongly dislikes something. Tho in the moments when he is cool and calm and when he talks to you, he is deep and sincere...again child like. He is the one who wants to stop every mess and the one who often ends up trying to cheer up the group, pretending nothing hurts him even tho he is hurt a lot. With sad story in his past, he has nothing to hold on to except for this group, these three guys...his friends. So trough the game he always takes photos, wich you can view and save on rest points some of them will warm your heart. Or brake it.


Ignis Scientia

One word....MAMA. He deffenetly is the ''mama'' of the group. As Nocts adviser, he has been sticking around for quite some time. He is the head of the group, the smart one the brainiac, the strategic planner and at some point in the some POINTS in the game, he literaly saves all of their asses with no weapon but his brain. And he cooks. A lot. So he is one of the main reasons guys haven't straved to death. Tho trough the story you get to know how he truly feels about everything happening and more importantly about his group. After loosing his sight (still don't know how that happend) he had no choice but to rely on the group even more, as if coping with the world as it is right now isn't enough he had to loose his eyes too. Ignis shares his oppinion but often leaves the boys to solve their problems on their own. And there was a point in the game were he raised his voice and you the preasure is getting even to, always calm and collected Ignis and you knew...things are going to happen.

Gladiolus Amicitia

Mountain of a person. He is Nocts bodyguard ever since Noct was young, he was the one who trained Noct in fights. The Amicitia familly has a long history of being the hignesses bodyguard and that mission fell on Gladios shoulders too. He is more or less collected but when  action hits he is teh first one to raise a sword! He is the one who will apply you a reality check right into your face. He would get pissed at Noct few times, because he is risking his life for a future king and on moments it seems to him as if Noct doesn't realise that. But he will alway come for his friends no matter the cost, he is a mountain of a person but also a big hearted guy. The one who always teases and the one who always tries to bring the best out of people.

The game defenetly left...a huge impression on me, all the way to story details, to the graphics and art design it self. To the missions and option to explore each and every place. Even the fact I couldn't stay out at night (did that mistake only ONCE) and staying at camps and trailers, the music options in the beloved car all impressed me.

The moment that emotionaly wrecked me was...when the game started as you had to explore some place and Ignis tells you to set a camp. When you are near game end...the last scene where boys sit down again after ten year is in camp. And than the end of game is comming near.

I won't spoil the ending for you, to see it you'll have to play it on your own. And honestly I was thinking hard how to finish this post...I'll finish with  a picture. For all of you played the will understand the deep emotional part of it and for all who hasn't played yet...go ahead. And set on the unforgetable journy.

This is the end of Gamer Princess discussion, please stay tuned for further transmissiones.



Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Post Gaming Depression: lvl:ABNORMAL


Gamer Princess here, reporting for duty!

On todays disscusion list I have to admit something...something horrible. Something that's been holding onto me for past few days. A serious state of mind and for a gamer the most painful one...


Yes it's horrible. My heart aches everytime I open up Steam and see...that game.

Wich game you may ask?

Naruto Ultimate ninja STORM 4

Okay my inner drama queen aside. Recently (meaning past 4 days) I've been hooked on Naruto Ultimate ninja STORM 4 game. As you may or may not know, I'm actualy huge anime fan and Naruto is one of my top animes all time. I've been  following the story since...well almost since beggining (meaning I didn't watched it when it fist came out)  and ever since I LOVE IT. The story line, the charachters basicly everything.

I alreday own 5 Naruto games for PSP and (ofc) I finished all of them and all story modes trough and trough.

Now  before I go on:


The story line leads us to the end of 4th shinobi war alllllllllll the way to Boruto. To cover the basics:

-Graphics are bomb, especialy the details in combats.  For example, the area where comabat is happening, you will easily notice the details as in leafs falling or the splashing of the water, in one combat I even managed to blow a huge hole into the wall (WICH WAS AMAZING)

-The fights are 3D, they include special attacks, attacks with ninja blades, performing jutsu, finisher jutsu and even group jutsu. That happens when you group up with another team, fill the so called team bar and BOOM! Finish off the opponent.

-There are a lot of charachters. From youg form to present form. I noticed especialy there are like 5 diffent types of Sasuke and Naruto (each ofc posseses diffrent attacks and combos....and finishers). But that kinda makes the fighting so much more interesting.

-Maybe one thing that was a bit unpractical. I speak some Japanese and I understand most of the things they say. But for someone who doesn't understand at all it's unpractical that there is actualy story line  being told in middle of combat when the last thing you have time for is reading the subtitles.

-You can also go to diffrent missiones in the game and also play training mode or one on one mode with your friends or against comp. Either way once you finish the main story you can never really finish the game.

You do however have optiones to choose either Japanese or English language, but personaly...nothing beats original.

Trough the story I got new perspective of charachters (especially Uchiha Madara) and at some points in the game I cried a freaking lot. You can't help but to get attached to charachters and cry if they die you cry.

So if you are looking for a stoy to blow your mind, a good fighting game and a good time GO FOR THIS.  And trust me...You will love it.

Thats it for today! Make sure you keep an eye on me and my gaming world! If you have any ideas or questiones don't leave the comment section hanging but till next time.....

This is the end of Gamer Princess discussion, please stay tuned for further transmissiones.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

WWE 2K17 ....WTF?

Heya guy! Gamer Girl reporting for duty!

On today's discussion we shall talk about a game I've been DYING to play!

WWE 2K17

So for this game...I've been waiting for so long. I'm big fan of wrestling, have been since I was 3 years old. Literaly my start was back in WCW (world championchip wrestling), I grew up with NWO (new world order) era you know...Big sexy, the bad guy and
Hollywood...(lower pic). Back to present, still till this day I love it! 

So imagine this huge fan (la me) finds out there also exists a game...ofc I had to have it! I started with basic GameBoy game Road to WrestleMania X8 (ofc you could see pixle of a pixle) and I loved every second of it! Because I could be a wrestler. That was way back tho in year....2000? 2001? 

........Im old okay.....memory is fading.

Than when I got older I got a PSP and ofc first game I bought was SmackdownVsRaw 2011 and imagine my mind being blown away when I discovered I could play all my fav superstars and on top make my own to DOMINATE THE WOOOORRRLLLLDDDDDD!

As for computor game I did expected a lot. Good graphics, similarity between real personas and their game visualisation, their moves and finishers on point etc etc etc.

As it comes to graphic, visuals, special effects are TOP! I jumped to the roof and back when I saw I can play freaking wrestlers from my childhood like Goldberg, Sting, DDP and more. I like how detailed they are, from their outfits, to their entrences and movements. 

The option to create your own superstar is amazing , it's very detailed. I can literaly adjust the nose lenght,widith, deepth and shape so once you enter the create mode it's like....See you in few hours mate. 

It's also very fun that you can create your own entrance from music to video and special effects. TOP!

How ever I simply and utterly HATE configuration. When you aproach basic combat it's ok, you manage but combat that is more demanding, like the Hall Of Fame chapter is pain in the fucken ass. The controls are LATE as fuck, the combat is HARD as fuck, you literaly have 1:100 options to winning. I still haven't passed it and I have been playing it for four days now. 

Also a big like in this game is the modes you can play in like Hall of Fame (old timers), My Carrer option where you go trough NXT to main stage and I'm really happy that there are comentators included I think that makes your experiance much more real!

Do I recomand it to play? YES!!!
Will you lose your nerves? YES!!!
Will you enjoy it? ABSO-FUCKING-LUTLEY YES!!!

If you have anything to add leave a comment bellow and if not than just....don't.

This is the end of Gamer Girl discussion, please stay tuned for further transmissions.

Gamer Girl out


P.S.: I'm still the NWO girl....

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Gamer princess reporting for duty

Hello everyone!

Welcome to my new blog! I think from name itself  I don't have to explain what will I be writting about since its Gamer as and princess as in...princess...I'm a

ANYWAYS on here I will pour my soul out for two things I love the most that is GAMING and MAKE UP.
I spent a looooooottttttt of time thinking how to combine these two thingies and ofc I had no idea how because on moments it felt like having two diffrent blog is like....separating my soul into two diffrent places, I felt like I'm denying my other passion with first one and vice versa. So I said to myself ''Self.....just make a combined blog and do wtf ever you love!'' and here I am.

good pep talk right? XD

So little about me! My name is Sandra aka Gamer Princess, I'm 20yo, I live in Slovenia I just moved on my own with my boo , I have two cats (ik crazy cat lady), I love make up and videogames, I'm training karate, I'm a nurse and I'm anime freak, WWE geek and there is actualy plenty more I could write, but I will do that in following posts.

So if you are excited to see what I'll be doing on here, please keep an eye on me!

Also feel free to follow me on my social media to also get a sneak peak of my everday life!


Gamer Princess is out <3

Final Fantasy XV

Hello everyone, Gamer Princess reporting for duty. Todays discussion: FINAL FANTASY XV So for past few days I've literaly pul...